Bloggijuana result dog fitness

5 Creative Ways to Keep Your Pup Warm This Winter
As we approach winter time, now is the perfect time to make sure your furry pal is ready for the colder months. With all the snow, sleet, and chilly wind, it's essential to keep your pup cozy, safe, and healthy. So, we've put together a list of five essentials that every pet parent needs this winter season. From cozy coats to paw protectors, these essential items will have your furry pal feeling warm and snug all winter long.

Maximizing Your Dog's Potential: Tips For Effective Trai...
It is important to remember that dogs require proper training to become well-behaved and obedient pets. Unfortunately, many pet owners struggle with training their furry friends and get overwhelmed with the process. In this blog, we aim to help owners maximize their dog's training potential.

Settling the Debate: Harness or Collar? The Ultimate Guide f...
As a pet parent, one of the most critical decisions you will make is choosing a harness or collar for your dog. There are different types of collars and harnesses in the market, and it can be challenging to decide which one is best for your furry friend. Some people swear by collars; others prefer harnesses. So, which one is better? In this article, we aim to settle the debate once and for all by providing a comprehensive guide on the advantages and disadvantages of harnesses and collars.

How to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer
Summertime - the perfect season for enjoying hot days, cool nights, and spending quality time with man’s best friend! But while you two are enjoying the weather, it’s important to make sure your pup is staying cool. That’s why we’re sharing our top tips on how to keep your dog cool this summer!

5 Ways To Celebrate Your Dog’s Fitness
As pet parents, we always want our pups to be happy and healthy and that involves keeping her fit mentally and physically. Here are some of our favorite ways to keep your dog fit.

Why Playing With Your Dog Is Beneficial
There are many reasons why play is great for your pup (and for you!) and we have compiled those reasons. Consider this when you have some free time and your dog is bounding around with excess energy and the weather just may not be conducive to a long run or hike.
Add a Pinch of Fun to Playtime